Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Post 5: In class write

Max Miller

In class write

1. From watching the film J. Edgar  one can learn many things about the history of the United States. Many people know about the FBI, but many people do not know about how or why it originated and how it became the well known organization that it is today. By watching the film you can learn all about the main character J. Edgar Hoover who was appointed director of the now FBI. The FBI headquarters is called the Hoover building but by watching the film one can learn how it was named after J. Edgar Hoover and how Hoover took a small federal organization and turned it into a powerful well respected one. By watching the film you can also learn about the history of radicals in the United States specifically communists and how the presence of radicals caused turmoil and unrest in the 20th century. This is important because many people focus on what was happening abroad during those times but it is also important to look at what was happening on the home front. 

The film also focuses on the use of forensic science and evidence which is now widely used today to solve crimes and provide clear evidence to convict a criminal. Hoover and the early FBI was a pioneer in the use of forensic science, they used it to solve the Lindbergh kidnappings and they also used the evidence gathered to give an easy conviction to the kidnapper. Before a trial in the United States was semi-accurate at best because it mainly relied upon witnesses and people testifying but because of Hoover and his push for forensic science now trials heavily rely on this for evidence when there are no witnesses.

Hoover is also the person responsible for the widespread use of fingerprints and identification for US Citizens. While the film only touches on this subject in brief it is important because now almost all citizens have their personal data like fingerprints being held in a database by the government. Along with all citizens having identification specific to themselves. These are all things that often go overlooked and people just accept that they exist and happen but it is important along with interesting to know how and why these things came about.

2. In the film is is often stated that the FBI and specifically Hoover had a great public image. The film only showcases this a couple times with propaganda being displayed but you will not lean about why that is. The reason Hoover's FBI had such a outstanding public image was not that there was nobody against them, in fact there were many people especially politicians that were against the FBI and Hoover's leadership. Hoover used surveillance on individuals in the government and in the public to gather damaging information on people that were against him. This is touched on in the movie with President Kennedy leading one to believe that he only showcases his power to the highest ranking officials but Hoover was obsessed with the acceptance of the American people and he would do and did everything possible to maintain that image. Including threaten people in the government that opposed him on all levels not just the president as stated in the Britannica and PBS biography of his life.

Another thing that you will not learn while watching the movie is that before Hoover the FBI or "Bureau of Investigation" at the time was plagued with a plethora of scandals by the former administration and its agents which was stated in a biography about his life from PBS. The reason why Hoover is such a big deal in the FBI was not because he was the one that founded it but because he was able to bring the administration from rock bottom to where it is now. Agents in the former organization were not nearly the caliber of the agents in his administration as seen briefly in the movie. The former administration that controlled the FBI tainted their image because of the widespread publication of scandals and unethical practices which was why as seen in the movie, Hoover was so eager to start fresh and build the organization up from essentially ground zero to a well respected government agency.

3. If I could add another 20 minutes to the movie, I would add something about the massive controversies that he caused. When Hoover took the position of director of the FBI the main domestic threat was not radicals but gangsters. Hoover is seen in the movie targeting radicals and gangsters but in reality he was mainly focused on radicals which he thought were responsible for all crime happening including a bombing that was targeted at Attorney General Palmer which caused the Palmer Raids. Gangsters were infamous at the time and the american people were more threatened by them than the radicals that Hoover targeted. As stated by PBS, Hoover assumed the position of director at a time where gangsters and bootleggers caused rampant crime and organized crime rings were common. The movie shows scenes where Hoover used publicity to gain support as he saw how popular the gangsters were with the american people. Hoover mainly left the mafia alone and only interfered when they killed a group of his agents. Throughout the movie the public's opinion on him is often neglected despite his missteps and obsession with their opinion 

In the movie it shows how the gangsters killed some of his agents and then he decides that he will dedicate resources to fighting them. I think a scene before that showing how gangsters are running rampant across the country causing major unrest will emphasize one of his greatest controversies, how he chose to pursue potential radicals instead of criminals who were immediate threat. The scene will also include the public's opinion and response to the threat of gangsters being neglected while Hoover pursues his own ambition. This will serve as a reality check for the movie watchers and Hoover in the movie showing how Hoover was obsessed with radicals and ignored immediate threats which later on caused major controversy and people questioning his leadership. 

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