Monday, October 29, 2018

12 Years a Slave Paraphrase

Max Miller
12 Years a Slave paraphrase

12 Years a Slave, review by The Telegraph 

People were saying, 12 Years a slave was called the greatest movie to be created about slavery in America not long after the movie first showed in theaters. Despite being an extremely bold statement the author of this article believes that it is a true one. Then he goes on to ask, "Where,exactly, is the competition?". The movie is about the events in character Solomon Northups' life showing how he was once a free man but his life is altered forever once he is kidnapped into slavery and forced to experience first hand slavery in the American South, the movie should not feel too revolutionary as other movies have also touched the category of slavery in America. But the reason, 12 Years a Slave feels different to people is because it is very scarce that a film is completely about a american slavery and has the whole plot revolve around a story in slavery. The writer of this review also says how this type of movie could become a category all in its own. He then goes on to describe how you feel the emotions of Solomon from start to finish how he is confidant at the beginning, then him and the audience are baffled and sad when he first comes to the realization about his situation. During his time in slavery you also feel the deep rooted emotions that come from him and his environment, you see how much pain and hate is relevant just as much as he does, which makes the film so powerful as you follow Solomon in his journey from different masters and plantations how each one is different. The film is then compared to other films like Django Unchained , a popular film in the american slavery genre but then goes on to say how the reason 12 Years a Slave is so popular is because it shows the reality of slavery for how it was and not plagued with hyperbole to satisfy certain movie goers, 12 years a slave shows the real side of slavery and how it really was, which was something people were really interested in.


  1. Your link doesn't work. Good picture though, descriptive caption. Good summary. I am confused on where the paraphrase is.

  2. Some of the words and phrases used in your summary are too similar to the original so you may wanna work on paraphrasing it more but besides that it sounded good

  3. Good overall, I would include Robbie Collins(the author) in the hyperlink.


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