Friday, March 8, 2019

2.7 Mid-Semester 2 Reflection

Max Miller
Mid-Semester 2 Reflection

1. The most important thing I feel that I learned about 19th-century immigration was how much immigration impacted life at the time. Specifically in the United States Immigration was a big deal and I found it very interesting to learn how much of our history is actually attributed to immigrants.

2. To me the vast complexity of immigration around the world today is something that I found to be very important. The first step to knowing something is finding out what you don't know and upon my research on the immigration crisis in the EU I found out that there is a lot that I do not know. This resulted in a vast amount of information that I accumulated and when I analyzed that information I found out that immigration around the world and specifically in Europe is a very complex topic and everybody has their own take on the problem and their own evidence to support their solution. I see this as important because it really opened my eyes to how complex the world is especially when it comes to a global issue.

3. The 2 most challenging aspects of living that people faced in the 19th-century, I think was the quality of life and the lack of technology to solve simple problems. I think that America was very successful with meeting both of these challenges. Because back them the quality of life was very poor compared to how it is now and manual labor was still a major factor in everyday problems. I think that because of this it forced people to develop new technologies like the toilet . Something very common in life today but a new invention back them and groundbreaking for the world at that time. The invention of such technologies dramatically changed the way America and even the world is today because the quality of life has improved a lot since then and challenges that were often very time consuming and laborious to fix are now much easier to due thanks to the new technology and the need to develop new solutions to meet such problems.

4. The Highline and the concept of progressivism have similarities and differences. The similarities are that the Highline was something that has never been done before and nothing like it has ever been seen which goes along with progressivist views on how in order to move forward as a society some things are going to need to be done that have not been done before. The Highline was also accomplished by the knowledge from many experts such as gardeners, engineers, and business people who worked together to make the surrounding area a better place to be around this is what progressivism supports, the collaborative effort from different people with all a single goal. Make the world a better place. Although there are similarities there are also differences between the Highline and progressivism such as how the highline relied in part on wealthy powerful businesses and businessmen supporting it which progressivism is against and how it is still an old structure that could have potentially been torn down and replaced with something new and potentially more modern. 


Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Max Miller

What is the meaning of the word philanthropy, and what types of activities are associated with it?

Business Dictionary defines philanthropy as something that is done for the benefit of all the human race this includes a level of personal sacrifice from an individual in order to help the larger cause. Activities associated with it are things like donating to charity of the research for a cure or it can even be something like volunteering. 

How is philanthropy different from “charity” or “charitable giving.”

Philanthropy and charity are often confused. They both involve giving money or volunteering ones time but charity is focused on helping to eliminate the suffering caused by social problems meaning that the majority of people can be charitable because it is often fairly easy to help. But Philanthropy involves trying to fix the social problem that causes the suffering all together meaning that philanthropists are looking for a long term solution to a wide spread problem and this usually requires a lot of money and time from many individuals.

Learning to

Find out about the philanthropic work of Andrew Carnegie, including the amount of money he spent and the types of projects on which he spent it. Why did he invest so much in philanthropy, and why he decided to spend his money in the ways he did?

According to Columbia University, Andrew Carnegie gave away over $350 million of his own money to many different projects but they centered around global education and world peace. He invested so much in philanthropy because be felt that people who had more than they needed had a moral obligation to give it away to help those who didn't which he stated publicly. At the time of his wealth there weren't a lot of education programs such as libraries so Carnegie spent a lot of money building many libraries around the world. 

During Carnegie’s lifetime, the press called attention to philanthropic giving of his business rival, John D. Rockefeller. How did the two men’s giving compare?

Carnegie and Rockefeller both gave away massive amounts of their own money. And many regard them as both pioneers in the philanthropy world. They both gave a lot of money to education but in different ways. Carnegie focused on building public libraries as Rockefeller focused on building schools and collages. New York Times 

What type of philanthropic work is the Carnegie Foundation involved with today? There are many different branches of Carnegie Foundation involved in philanthropic giving – be sure to note them all.

The Carnegie Foundation is still heavily involved in philanthropic work today and they are still involved in many aspects of giving but they still mainly focus on education. 

Who are currently considered major philanthropists? Find a current list and then choose one to focus on.  Summarize what you are able to learn about that individual’s philanthropic giving.

Major Philanthropists include people like Chuck Feeney, Gordon Moore and Bill and Melinda Gates. Bill and Melinda Gates have given away the overwhelming majority of their money and are known to encourage other billionaires to do the same and join them in their efforts. Their mission is to make sure that the younger generation of people survive and thrive as said on the Bill and Melinda Gated Foundation website.

Imagine yourself as a philanthropist. What types of work would you invest in, and why?

If I was a philanthropist I would focus in investing in saving the environment and specifically the animals that are going extinct because many species of animals are going extinct at an alarming rate and its kind of humanities fault. 

Semester II Final

Max Miller Part A.  1. Before doing my research, I predict the three most highly ranked presidents in US history to be Washington, Jeff...