Thursday, October 18, 2018

Lincoln Paraphrase

Max Miller
Lincoln Paraphrase

'Lincoln' by Steven Spielberg, New York Times 

"This is, in other words, less a biopic than a political thriller, a civics lesson that is energetically staged and alive with moral energy. Lincoln, having just won re-election, faces a complex predicament. The war has turned in the Union’s favor, but the Capitol is in some turmoil. Lincoln must contend with a Democratic opposition that reviles him as a dictator (“Abraham Africanus,” they call him) and also with a deep, factional split within the Republican Party."

My paraphrase of this selected passage.

Lincoln, in its simplest form, is much more like a cliffhanger of political suspense, filled with the complexities of the government, than a biographical film portraying Lincoln and his life. The movie is set so that it is filled with the spirit and vitality of those who are participating in determining the rights of the country. Fresh after succeeding to secure his presidency for a second term, President Lincoln is now confronted with a complicated dilemma. Although, the Union has taken the upper hand in the civil war against the South, and this is a success on one front, on another front the Capitol of the Union is experiencing a high level of strife among its members. The Democrats who are constantly against Lincoln, try to portray him as a corrupt power-hungry ruler, this is a problem that Lincoln must deal with. The Democrats also refer to him as "Abraham Africanus", Lincoln must also deal with a strong split among his own party.     


  1. "Lincoln, in its simplest form, is much [...]" "re-election" "Union" "Capitol" other wise good.

  2. This is good work, some repeated words but other wise i like the work


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