Friday, September 7, 2018

US History-Flag Research

Max Miller 

1.  While the origin of the very first American flag is unknown, On June 14,1777, the Continental Congress established an official flag for the United States. This was called the First flag act. While the design of the first american flag is unknown it is known that it was created by seamstress Betsy Ross. 

2. Upon my research, the United States flag has changed 5 official times, but many changes to the flag have been made since its creation. Changes mostly include an addition and reordering of the starts to accommodate new states. I knew that the flag had been changed many times because of the addition of new states but, I was surprised to find out that the flag has only officially been changed 5 times, Two acts of congress and 3 executive orders from presidents since its creation. 

3. A number of factors contributed to the look of the flag, such as the stars and stripes and the addition the new stars for new states. My research lead a surprising discovery, there is no official reasoning or meaning to the colors used in the flag, but there are many different people who claim what the colors mean although there are different claims.

A: Today the United States flag stands for many different things, my research of what people think the meaning of it are lead me to different articles where people say that the flag means a variety of things, such as a pro-war symbol, a symbol for nationalism, and popularly today as a form of protest, but a common thread among the majority of my readings agree that the flag stands for freedom.

B:  The flag of the United states has been around for a while and has developed many nicknames to compliment it, such as; stars and stripes, old glory, red,white and blue, and the American Flag I was surprised to find out that the proper term is "the Flag of the United States of America" and the American Flag is correctly a nickname. People are not certain where these names originated from and I think that can tell us that the flag has been around for a very long time thus it picked up alternative names.

C:Popular music mentions the flag a fair amount, I think that this is because the flag is a very popular symbol that is used to associate with freedom, and it shows the pride and nationalism of some artists.

5. In my opinion I think that the evidence that shows that the flag is generally understood, as something worthy of respect would be the Pledge of Allegiance, and the National Anthem where people look at the flag with respect every time.

6. My research lead me to the conclusion that the Flag itself is not a controversial symbol, with some exceptions. But it is agreed that there are disrespectful ways to use the flag that are argued about, an example of this would be using it to protest mainly burning it as a form of protest.

These American Flag themes sunglasses is only 1 product among the many sold on Amazon
Huffington Post: 13 unknown things about the US flag
US News: The politics behind the US flag specifically the History
Britannica: Great complete source about the majority of the things that relate to the flag
US Where a lot of my general information was from 

1 comment:

  1. 1. Image caption is descriptive and has a working hyperlink.
    2. Sources that are used are good and reliable sources. The sources need to have the title in the hyperlinked resources at the bottom of the page.
    3. The writing is in his own voice and is clear.
    4. There was no confusion when reading the article and the author uses his own words and ideas throughout the article.


Semester II Final

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