Thursday, September 20, 2018

Civil War letters: Max Miller

Civil War Letters
Hazard Stevens first letter to his mother. September 16, 1861. He tells his mother about all that has happened since he first arrived to fight and sends his love to his brothers and sisters.  

The Coast Survey Office sending a letter to Margaret Hazard Stevens offering condolences for the loss of one of her husband Isaac Stevens who died fighting in the war. 1862. The Coast survey office goes on to note the significant achievements and legacy that Isaac accomplished and left behind. 
Hazard Stevens letter to mother. September 16, 1864. He notes how both sides are on the defensive and the only occasional action is skirmishes between both sides. Wishes his love for the family and wants a letter back soon. 

Page 4 of a total of 7 pages written by soldier Hazard Stephens letter to his mother.Written on April 10, 1865. He notes many things such as when General Lee surrendered people were throwing Confederate money in the streets, he also noted how happy he is that the war is over and expects to be home soon. 

Page 3 of 3. Hazard Stevens writes to his mother Margaret Hazard Stevens again. April 17, 1865. Stevens is busy in post war activity and he and his peers are shocked at Lincoln's assassination.  Stevens also desperately wants to see his family and also wants to know his they stand in terms of money. 

These letters are between Hazard Stevens, and his mother who it is clear he loves very much. Hazard Stevens is a soldier for the Union during the civil war. The letters he writes to his mother Margaret Hazard Stevens are written between September 16, 1881 and April 17, 1865. They detail Hazard Stevens journey in the civil war from when he just starts out as a soldier to when the civil war is finished and he is coming home. Margaret Hazard Stevens' husband is also a soldier for the union in the war but ends up being killed. Although we do not have the letters she writes back to her son Hazard it is clear by Hazards response letters that he is very worried about his families well being such as their state of mind and their state of wealth after his fathers passing. Along with his letters detailing his journey through the civil war from start to finish Hazard Stevens is constantly reminding his mother to send his love to his sisters and his other family members as they are very worried about him after his fathers passing. The relationship between Hazard Stevens and his mother is one of extreme worry and adventure as he is excited to tell his mother of all his accomplishments, but he is also very worried about his family and wants to come home as soon as possible and is very eager to come home once the war ends and based on his responses to his mother, she is also very worried about him. Proving that the strength of family can not be separated by a war. If you were in Hazard Stevens situation how would you react? How often would you write to your own family? What would you write about? Would you be as worried for them as they are for you? 

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