Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Semester II Final

Max Miller

Part A. 

1. Before doing my research, I predict the three most highly ranked presidents in US history to be Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln and the worst might be Nixon, George H. W. Bush and Trump.

2. The presidents that have been consistently identified as the top 4 presidents are Lincoln, Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt. No presidents have gone back and forth between the 4th and 5th spot.   

3. William Howard Taft was ranked 24th best president all three times the poll was conducted. Jefferson was ranked 7th best president every time the poll was taken. Pierce, Johnson and Buchanan were almost always ranked in the bottom 3 presidents. 

4. In this survey the participants seem to almost all be professors at colleges or historians. C-SPAN most likely included this information to show how the people taking the poll were knowledgeable in the topic and now just random people polling. Some questions that can arise from not including this information is how educated the people who were giving answers were. Since the overwhelming majority of participants are either a professor at a college or a historian this makes the results of the poll much more credible because the people taking it are educated enough to give valid answers.

5. The 10 qualities for which the presidents are ranked are
Public Persuasion
Crisis Leadership
Economic Management
Moral Authority
International Relations
Administrative Skills
Relations with Congress
Vision / Setting an Agenda
Pursued Equal Justice For All
Performance Within Context of Times (found on the left side of the page)

6. C-SPAN did not weigh some categories more than others.

7. If the surveyed was weighed based on my decisions my top 3 categories would be Crisis Leadership, Economic Management and Moral Authority. Crisis Leadership because many presidents can be considered a good president when there is nothing bad going on but to be considered a good president in times of crisis is something that is worth a lot. Economic Management because so many times the economy is talked about throughout US history as an important topic and to be able to keep a well managed economy is something that is very important. Moral Authority because many times presidents lose sight of their moral values in exchange for selling out to other people and the public so having consistent moral values is important because it shows that you are not afraid to do what you think is right in the presence from pressure from other people.

8. My initial predictions for the top presidents was right except Jefferson was slightly lower but still in the top 7. My bottom 3 were wrong and I mainly think this because there has not been a poll conducted since Trump has been elected president and I also was for the most part unaware on what made a president "bad" 

Part B. 
9. "On March 16 we celebrate the anniversary of James Madison's birthday. Madison, traditionally viewed as the Father of the United States Constitution, is also seen by many as a defender of open government. He once wrote, "[a] popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps, both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." In a similar vein, he asserted that "the advancement and diffusion of knowledge" is "the only Guardian of true liberty."

James Madison was born on March 16 and his birthday anniversary is often celebrated to look back upon the legacy that he left behind. He is often looked back upon and seen as the Father of the United States Constitution. Not only this but he is publicly known to be a avid defender of open government. He has been quoted before stating that"[a] popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps, both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." Along with this he also goes on to state that "the advancement and diffusion of knowledge" is  "the only Guardian of true liberty."

Madison is saying how a Government that is popular with the people but does not have the knowledge or common sense to be run efficiently is doomed from the start. He is also trying to say how knowledge is a powerful weapon that can be used to control people and if used correctly is the foundation of liberty. 

10." . . . [K]nowledge of our own history is essential in the making of Americans. The reasons for this belief may be summed up under four main heads. History makes loyal citizens because memories of common experiences and common aspirations are essential ingredients in patriotism. History makes intelligent voters because sound decisions about present problems must be based on knowledge of the past. History makes good neighbors because it teaches tolerance of individual differences and appreciation of varied abilities and interests. History makes stable, well-rounded individuals because it gives them a start toward understanding the pattern of society and toward enjoying the artistic and intellectual productions of the past. It gives long views, a perspective, a measure of what is permanent in a nation’s life. "

In this excerpt it states that having the knowledge of Americas History is necessary for someone to be considered a good citizen. Compared to Madison's article this article is much more docile as is states how knowledge is something that makes well-rounded individuals and productive patriotic citizens of the United States. Madison takes a little more aggressive stance on it saying how if you have the lack of knowledge and no means or acquiring it you are doomed from the very beginning and how knowledge can be used as a weapon to free thinking people along with how a knowledgeable Government can rule over people who do not posses such knowledge as they are viewed as ignorant and inferior.

In my opinion I think that both of these articles are valid in expressing how knowledge is productive in creating a good Government and good Citizens of that Government. I also agree with the second article and how it states that knowing the history of the United States is essential for Citizens. I think all citizens should posses knowledge of some kind of the history of the United States for the same reasons that the article highlights. I also agree with Madison's point on how if something like a Government is built on a platform of ignorance it is doomed from the start. I also agree with his statement stating that knowledge is power which I believe it is but to go so far and say that it is the "only Guardian of true Liberty" I do not agree with because I think that many other aspects go along with liberty not just knowledge.

Part C. 
11. Throughout this year I have most definitely improved my skills as a researcher. At first I was using articles that were dubious at best, not citing them properly and cleanly and doing my best attempt at paraphrasing them. Now I can locate scholarly sources and incorporate them into my work seamlessly which is a big stride for me as I didn't feel like I knew how to do that before. I was mainly focused on how many sources I had at the beginning of this class and not focusing on the quality of such sources. Now I am much more aware of the quality of the sources I use and how that can affect the final outcome of my work quality drastically. I think the biggest stride that I made was that I am now completely comfortable with my ability to find good sources which to me is a huge improvement.

12. Looking back at the film-history project I am most proud of my menu items, my 3rd response to the in class write, my post 4 annotated sources, and my invitation guests. I am proud of my menu items because I feel like I was very creative with them and although it took me a lot of time to create I feel like the end product was very entertaining and interesting. My response to the 3rd question in the in class write because while I was writing It i noticed now knowledgeable I was on the topic, I felt like I was an expert because of all of my research and could answer anything. My post 4 annotated sources because I took an extremely long time doing all of that and making it good and it was nice to have it be noticed after I put all of that work into it. And my invitation guests I am also proud of because I took a long time to pick out every guest and I think it came together very well.

13. I admired Brandon's Invitation for the Film-History project because I found it to be very concise along with being creative and getting everything done.

 In class we watched Cinderella Man a movie that was set in the Great Depression. I know that a large part of what caused the Great Depression was the Stock Market Crash of 1929. I have heard about the stock market crash but I ever knew why it crashed and what exactly before, during and after in detail. I have always found money and global economics interesting which is why I am curious about why the crash happened and how that affected so many people, along with what could have been done to prevent it if anything and if anything was done at all. This goes along with the economic crisis that happened in 2008 that is referred to many times in politics. I watched an extremely interesting and exceptionally good movie on it called The Big Short which focuses on it and grew my interest in the topic. Overall I find it very interesting why both of these events happened and the details surrounding them.

“The Gadget” bomb, part of the trinity nuclear bomb tests- world's first atomic bomb. 

I chose this image because It displays Americas transition into a dominant world superpower. The US was the first country to create a super weapon which pushed them into the center of the world stage because no other country possessed such a weapon the US was now a world superpower and help create the country that we are today.

World War 2 Poster image - National Archives 
This will be displayed because it shows one of the country's greatest achievements and struggles, Victory in the world largest conflict. Showing how through much struggle in World War 2 the war was finally won and is something that we will never forget. 

Moon Landing Photos-NASA photo library 

The Moon landing is without a doubt, one of, if not the greatest scientific achievement in our country's history. It not only shows our great scientific ability, but is also shows how if the country puts its mind to something then the sky's the limit, or maybe even the moon.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Post 5: In class write

Max Miller

In class write

1. From watching the film J. Edgar  one can learn many things about the history of the United States. Many people know about the FBI, but many people do not know about how or why it originated and how it became the well known organization that it is today. By watching the film you can learn all about the main character J. Edgar Hoover who was appointed director of the now FBI. The FBI headquarters is called the Hoover building but by watching the film one can learn how it was named after J. Edgar Hoover and how Hoover took a small federal organization and turned it into a powerful well respected one. By watching the film you can also learn about the history of radicals in the United States specifically communists and how the presence of radicals caused turmoil and unrest in the 20th century. This is important because many people focus on what was happening abroad during those times but it is also important to look at what was happening on the home front. 

The film also focuses on the use of forensic science and evidence which is now widely used today to solve crimes and provide clear evidence to convict a criminal. Hoover and the early FBI was a pioneer in the use of forensic science, they used it to solve the Lindbergh kidnappings and they also used the evidence gathered to give an easy conviction to the kidnapper. Before a trial in the United States was semi-accurate at best because it mainly relied upon witnesses and people testifying but because of Hoover and his push for forensic science now trials heavily rely on this for evidence when there are no witnesses.

Hoover is also the person responsible for the widespread use of fingerprints and identification for US Citizens. While the film only touches on this subject in brief it is important because now almost all citizens have their personal data like fingerprints being held in a database by the government. Along with all citizens having identification specific to themselves. These are all things that often go overlooked and people just accept that they exist and happen but it is important along with interesting to know how and why these things came about.

2. In the film is is often stated that the FBI and specifically Hoover had a great public image. The film only showcases this a couple times with propaganda being displayed but you will not lean about why that is. The reason Hoover's FBI had such a outstanding public image was not that there was nobody against them, in fact there were many people especially politicians that were against the FBI and Hoover's leadership. Hoover used surveillance on individuals in the government and in the public to gather damaging information on people that were against him. This is touched on in the movie with President Kennedy leading one to believe that he only showcases his power to the highest ranking officials but Hoover was obsessed with the acceptance of the American people and he would do and did everything possible to maintain that image. Including threaten people in the government that opposed him on all levels not just the president as stated in the Britannica and PBS biography of his life.

Another thing that you will not learn while watching the movie is that before Hoover the FBI or "Bureau of Investigation" at the time was plagued with a plethora of scandals by the former administration and its agents which was stated in a biography about his life from PBS. The reason why Hoover is such a big deal in the FBI was not because he was the one that founded it but because he was able to bring the administration from rock bottom to where it is now. Agents in the former organization were not nearly the caliber of the agents in his administration as seen briefly in the movie. The former administration that controlled the FBI tainted their image because of the widespread publication of scandals and unethical practices which was why as seen in the movie, Hoover was so eager to start fresh and build the organization up from essentially ground zero to a well respected government agency.

3. If I could add another 20 minutes to the movie, I would add something about the massive controversies that he caused. When Hoover took the position of director of the FBI the main domestic threat was not radicals but gangsters. Hoover is seen in the movie targeting radicals and gangsters but in reality he was mainly focused on radicals which he thought were responsible for all crime happening including a bombing that was targeted at Attorney General Palmer which caused the Palmer Raids. Gangsters were infamous at the time and the american people were more threatened by them than the radicals that Hoover targeted. As stated by PBS, Hoover assumed the position of director at a time where gangsters and bootleggers caused rampant crime and organized crime rings were common. The movie shows scenes where Hoover used publicity to gain support as he saw how popular the gangsters were with the american people. Hoover mainly left the mafia alone and only interfered when they killed a group of his agents. Throughout the movie the public's opinion on him is often neglected despite his missteps and obsession with their opinion 

In the movie it shows how the gangsters killed some of his agents and then he decides that he will dedicate resources to fighting them. I think a scene before that showing how gangsters are running rampant across the country causing major unrest will emphasize one of his greatest controversies, how he chose to pursue potential radicals instead of criminals who were immediate threat. The scene will also include the public's opinion and response to the threat of gangsters being neglected while Hoover pursues his own ambition. This will serve as a reality check for the movie watchers and Hoover in the movie showing how Hoover was obsessed with radicals and ignored immediate threats which later on caused major controversy and people questioning his leadership. 

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Post 3 Dinner Menu

Classic Martini-Food Network 

For Drinks a classic martini will be on the menu. A popular drink at the time and now, the martini will be served because it was common knowledge that Hoover forbade his agents in drinking any alcoholic beverage which is why the martini will cause much discussion. 

Clam Chowder-Simple Recipes 

Hoover and Clyde Tolson were seen many times eating at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC so much so that the restaurant in the Mayflower Hotel is now known as the Edgar Bar and Grill. On the menu for the Edgar Bar and Grill, Clam Chowder is one of the first food items. Clam chowder was also popular at the time. 

Foie Gras-Daily Meal 

Up next is Foie Gras, Named as one of the most controversial foods by The Daily Meal  serving Foie Gras to the guests will be a subtle reminder about controversy as many argue that Foie Gras is worth the controversy much like many argue that the FBI is doing the right thing despite the controversy around it and Hoover 

Spicy Wings-Food Network 

Spicy Buffalo wings will also be on the menu. The guests who eat the spicy wings will be feeling the heat tonight just as Hoover made presidents feel the heat when he threatened them with damaging information . 
Pineapple Pizza- 

Pineapple Pizza is one of the most debated foods in recent history. Some people love it and some people hate it, but it is without a doubt a much talked about food. The reason this is on the menu is because just like J. Edgar Hoover's FBI it is often controversial many people support it and many people are not supportive of it but is was without a doubt a very important and talked about topic at the time just like Pineapple pizza is today. 

McDonald's Chicken

Serving McDonald's Chicken McNuggets might seem out of place at first but it is actually a perfect analogy for the FBI especially when it was under Hoover's control. McNuggets have a huge fan base and they are a food that many people are in support of but the way McNuggets are processed and made is often controversial but the fans of the Chicken McNugget either turn a blind eye to it or are oblivious all together. Just like how in the FBI and Hoover engaged in many controversial actions,  those who were aware were willing to turn a blind eye to it and the rest of the people had no idea what was going on behind closed doors. 

Turducken- WholeFoods 

Up next on the menu of foods is Turducken. A Turducken is a chicken wrapped inside of a duck, that is then wrapped inside of a turkey. Turducken is a famous food item because it has many layers of different meats all wrapped inside of each other. The reason this will be served is because many people viewed the FBI from an outside prospective and only say the parts that they were suppose to see just like in the turducken, you only see the outside of the turkey. But in the FBI there are many layers that you don't see or are not suppose to see and how in the turducken there are also many layers that you can only see once you cut it open and get a good look. 

Sparkling water- LA magazine 

Last on the menu is sparkling water, because with all of that food the guests will be thirsty. Sparkling water was chosen over normal water because normal water is boring and nothing special but sparkling water is fancy and high end along with showing that you can afford to buy sparkling water. Similar to how the FBI was a normal, nothing special organization until Hoover took control and turned it into a large, well respected government organization than possessed immense power.     

Post 2 Exhibit

Domestic Investigation and Operations Guide-FBI Records Vault 
The current FBI Domestic Investigation and Operations guide is the closet thing to an FBI handbook that there is. This will be displayed at the party to spark conversation between Hoover and the current FBI director to see if there visions for the bureau are similar or significantly different. 

Masters of Deceit by J. Edgar Hoover- Amazon
Masters of Deceit was a book written by J. Edgar Hoover in 1959 about the communist presence in the US. Hoover was well known as someone who was opposed to communism and made it a big part of his career to combat communism in the United States. Which makes this book by him a good choice to display because is focuses on his career and shows his distrust for communists. 

Letter from J. Edgar Hoover to Brigadier General Harry Vaughn- Truman Library 
This is a letter written by Hoover stating people that he suspects the Soviets are trying to use to obtain information from and stating that he is investigating not only those people but the soviets in the US to make sure that no military information is leaked. This is evidence of one of the many things Hoover did to protect this country but it is also controversial because he has no real evidence on those people its just suspicion. 

1933 wanted poster for George R. "Machine Gun" Kelly -FBI vault 
George R. "Machine Gun" Kelly is an infamous gangster of the prohibition era of organized crime. His wanted poster will be displayed at the dinner party to show the FBI's pursuit of criminals and how the publication of criminals and wanted individuals has not changed for the most part. 

Example of a FBI fingerprint form- 

The FBI fingerprint form will be an artifact because Hoover was the one who first started making a collection of peoples fingerprints and using it to make a national database of fingerprints which was one of his most notable accomplishments of his career. 

Telephone recording and listening Wiretap-HowStuffWorks 

An example of a real telephone wire tap will be included because the use of illegal wiretaps were a big part of Hoover's career as Director of the FBI. He used wiretaps on everyone not only suspected criminals but US government officials to gain information on them that Hoover could use to his own advantage. A suspected individual who was blackmailed by Hoover and the information that he gathered through wiretapping's was president Kennedy who will also be at the dinner. 

Example of Secret FBI message which was encrypted and blacked out before going into archive-Wikipedia 

This is an example of a message from Hoover to his agents and it shows how secretive the agency was because the majority of the information was blacked out before it went into archive. This along with being a prime example of the FBI's secretive nature will go well with the theme of mystery games and dinner. 

PuppetMaster by Richard Hack-Amazon
The last artifact will be a book written by american historian Richard Hack who exposes the controversial nature of Hoover's life in a controversial book. This book dives into Hoover's sexuality exposing that Clyde Tolson, Hoover's longtime friend could potentially be his lover. It would definitely make for interesting conversation if this book was displayed as an artifact.    



Post 1 Invitation

Made Using
Guests list:

J. Edgar Hoover- J. Edgar Hoover is an obvious choice because he is the main character of the dinner and his input on all topics of conversation would be valued. Especially the questions and topics surrounding him.

Clyde Tolson- Clyde Tolson is another guest who deserves an obvious invitation. He was the deputy director of the FBI for many years and worked very closely with Hoover. To the point where there were rumors that the two were lovers. It would be a crime to not have him and Hoover at this dinner gathering.

Leonardo DiCaprio- Leonardo DiCaprio has had titanic success in the film industry but the actor is lesser known for his role playing J. Edgar. As someone who played the role of Hoover it would be interesting to have them together to compare how accurate his acting really was.

Armie Hammer- Armie Hammer was the actor who played Clyde Tolson and since Leonardo DiCaprio is getting invited it would be rude not to invite Armie Hammer who along with DiCaprio depicted the story of Hoover very well in the movie J. Edgar and having the two actors and the two real individuals at the same dinner would make for very interesting conversation. But their skill at the mystery games might not be up to the caliber of Tolson and Hoover.

President John F. Kennedy- President Kennedy will also be receiving an invite to the Dinner and games because he was rumored to have had drama between him and Hoover. He even considered dismissing Hoover as director of the FBI but decided against it and it was rumored that Hoover used information on his family especially his brother to intimidate him. Hoover also led the investigation into his assassination.

Clint Eastwood- Clint Eastwood was the director for the movie J. Edgar. It would be interesting to see how he interprets the life of Hoover compared to his actual life and personality which is why he deserves a spot at the dinner table.

Christopher A. Wray- Christopher A. Wray is the current director of the FBI. He is going to receive an invitation because the comparison between Hoover and Wray and how the FBI was back then compared to how it is now would be a worthy of and invite. He would also fit well in his participation in the mystery games. Maybe he is even better than Hoover.

Curt Gentry- Curt Gentry is the author of  J. Edgar Hoover: The man and the Secrets he is a historian and author who portrays Hoover and the FBI in a controversial light and having him at dinner with the rest of these people he would fit in very uniquely.   

Monday, May 6, 2019

Blog Post 4: Annotated sources


American History, 9th Edition Chapter 21 "Unsettled Prosperity: From War to Depression 1919-1932," Pages 653,666-Chapter 29 "Conservative America in the Ascent 1980-1991," Page 937- General information on J. Edgar Hoover and details on his various actions such as the "Palmer Raids" and the FBI's actions during prohibition and the "Red Scare" 

Encyclopedia Britannica (, "J. Edgar Hoover-United States government official"- Detailed information on Hoover's life from when he first started in politics to his death along with many notable achievements and controversies and the politics that surrounded him

PBS-American Experience (, "Biography: J. Edgar Hoover" - Told Hoover's whole life and focused on who he was as a person from childhood to death and listed out many of his achievements and actions and information on the results of those actions. 

J. Edgar ( used for information about Hoover's whole career in politics and specifically on how he transformed the FBI into a well known respected Government Organization 

Monday, April 15, 2019


The US policy to contain communism resulted in military and non-military action in countries all across the globe, many countries were unhappy or questioned the decision of the US take initiative against communism in their own countries.

The evidences start out with an excerpt from President Truman's speech to congress where he discusses how the world is split into free countries and oppressed countries and it is the job of the United States to help those oppressed countries. Then there is a statement from the President of South Korea at the time which criticizes the actions of the US and how they are in their country. There are more statements from different Secretary of States which discuss how the US can handle any attack and are ready to react at anytime and how the communist countries aim to destroy the US. The second to last evidence discusses how the Japanese are somewhat thankful that the US is willing to help them and the last evidence goes over how in Guatemala the US is making living conditions and the economy much worse and they have no right to interfere with other countries issues.

Global Cold War

Semester II Final

Max Miller Part A.  1. Before doing my research, I predict the three most highly ranked presidents in US history to be Washington, Jeff...